Wanhao i3 Plus Y Axis Stiffening Brackets -  Pulley and Stepper Motor Mounts

Wanhao i3 Plus Y Axis Stiffening Brackets - Pulley and Stepper Motor Mounts


A stiffer **stepper motor mounting bracket** and **pulley bracket** for the Y axis of the Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus (I have a Mark 2) The **stepper motor bracket** utilises a longer centre rear panel screw (M5 x at least 20mm) with a washer and M5 locking nut to greatly increase the stiffness of the Y axis stepper motor mount. Longer M3 screws (I used 12 mm) and captive M3 nuts are used to mount the bracket to the printer base plate. The **Y axis pulley bracket** is designed to react on the printer bottom panel post and also the belt shield plate (see photos). Based on [Wanhao i3 Plus Y-axis Belt Pulley Support / Stabilizer by rsmn](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3029268) - tweaking the position of the post hole. Increasing the height of the post reaction body so that it is in line with the pulley axis, and adding a second reaction directly onto the end of belt shield plate. Again longer M3 x 12 screws are used with captive M3 nuts. I suggest printing motor bracket with the M5 hole on the bed and the pulley on the rear face (see photo) so the layers are not in shear on the pulley towers. Recommend 5 walls and 50% fill with something like cubic. I used PLA I installed the together with the [Wanhao i3 Y-Axis Belt Brace by dumbcomputers](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1429098). I decided not to use any tensioners as the blets don't stretch over time and there are may reports of broken tensioners. Fusion 360 file included



