Dishwasher sliding clean/dirty sign

Dishwasher sliding clean/dirty sign


<h1>Multicolor dishwasher sign no painting/MMU</h1> I stumbeled on and loved the design made by [3dprintednickname]( I tweaked it a little bit to my preference. I made sure that the text plates of the original design and mine are interchangeable. <h1>A Changes I made to the original design</h1> * Added a ridge to the cover for easy alignment with the base * Version for 6x3mm magnets and version for 8x3mm magnets * Different font on the text plates * Made the slider less wide so it didn't cover the visable text plate * Made the slider handle a tiny bit bigger * Added extra fillets on the slider handle * Added extra fillets on the cover * Made the space in between the text plates smaller <h1>Tolerances</h1> I printed everything at 100% for a snug fit. So the text plates and magnets don't require any glue, i do recommend glueing the cover, althought it clicked in place for me. <h1>Materials</h1> * 6x3mm magnets **or** 8x3mm magnets * Glue to attach the cover <h1>Custom plates</h1> Just as in the original design you can make custom text plates. The dimensions of the plates are: 40x25x2mm Same dimensions as the original design!



