Volcano Super Effector for Anycubic Predator (SB3D)

Volcano Super Effector for Anycubic Predator (SB3D)


Hello, Update 03.02.21 now Vulcano Super Effector with 40 mm Fan. Parts are marked the the addition 4010. here my "Vulcano Super Effector" for Volcano SB3D Effector for Anycubic Predator, manual you will find in download https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUh2KJR6RQ See here Super Effector fro V6 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4690736 M3 is for stock fish eye rods M4 is for igus fish eye rods EBRM-04J Required parts: - 100 mm M3 threaded rod => stock fish eye rods - M3 nuts x10 => stock fish eye rods - M4 Version effector will also fit on stock rods, the original rod have 4 mm holes alternative - 90 mm M4 threaded rod => Igus fish eye rod (EBRM-04J) https://www.igus.de/product/187 - M4 nuts x6 => Igus fish eye rod (EBRM-04J) - M3 nuts x4 => Igus fish eye rod (EBRM-04J) - M3*12 mm x2 screw cylindic head - M3*20 mm x2 screw cylindic head - M2 nuts x6 - M2*8 mm x2 screw cylindic head - M2*12 mm x4 screw cylindic head - V6 Hotend from ED3 or V6 clone 24 Volt (all Metall or 4,1 mm) https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32888737278.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dkSxzcj - Vulano Hotend from ED3 or V6 clone 24 Volt (all Metall or 4,1 mm) https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000042836222.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dqLBFFP Optional: - 2x 4010 Fan ball blower 24 Volt => have much more power than stock fans https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4001073835616.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4c024c4dckCUx5 . https://www.paypal.me/schmelzerboy contact via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jan.oerter?ref=bookmarks This files are totally free you can share it this your friends or you can modify it. Commercial use is prohibit! If you enjoyed this project please share your make, leave a Like and Collect for the community or post it on Facebook or Instagramm To show your acknowledgment and support for my large Effort on this you can donate via PayPal. janoerter@web.de contact via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jan.oerter?ref=bookmarks ................................................................................................................................................ Deutsch: Diese Dateien sind völlig kostenlos. Teilt das mit Deinen Freunden mitteilen oder ändert das design. Kommerzielle Nutzung ist untersagt! Wenn Dir dieses Projekt gefallen hat, freue ich mich über ein "like" oder poste es auf Facebook oder Instagramm Wenn Du Spenden willst hier über Paypal: janoerter@web.de Kontakt über Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jan.oerter?ref=bookmarks have fun



