Endless Sky Starship Collection 1:2000 Scale
[Endless Sky](https://endless-sky.github.io) is the open source remake of the classic Escape Velocity. It features a rather large amount of varied ships of interesting designs. While the ships appear as 2D renders in the game itself the renders are made from full 3D models that I've repaired and sliced for FDM printing. Given the top down nature of the game most meshes are only really detailed on the top, so I've added details on the undersides, enlarged existing details so they look better, removed unprintable details, added ones that would look decent, etc. All depending heavily on the ship mesh and its specifics. ----------------- The default scale is 1:2000 according to the hypothesis that the Finch is roughly jet fighter sized (~20m) and the rest of the ships are scaled in relation to it according to Vitalchip's calculator which takes into account most ship stats. The in-game relative sizes have mostly been disregarded since they were designed to make ships visible without zoom and not to relay actual size. ### Ships done so far (and special instructions): ####Human: - Finch (untested, probably too small for FDM at default scale) - Shuttle - Scout - Star Barge - Freighter - Blackbird - Mule (has a bit of a nasty overhang on the rear hangar, add supports if you wish) - Firebird - Splinter - Star Queen - Navy Cruiser (current version has larger guns than the test print) - Dreadnought - Bactrian - Kestrel ####Remnant: - Ibis (both sliced parts require a brim unless you have god tier adhesion) - Albatross ####Korath: - Kar Ik Vot 349 ####Hai: - Shield Beetle ####Wanderers: - Strong Wind ####Coalition: - Heliarch Interdictor ####Sheragi: - Emerald Sword ----------------- ### FDM printing and painting instructions/tips: 1. The ship parts are exported separately as I like to print each part by itself to reduce nozzle entry/exit into parts for a better finish. Nothing's stopping you from printing it all at once though. 2. Clean up, remove any leftover stringing with a flame/heat gun, glue together with superglue (goes for PLA anyway). 3. Download the correct [ship reference image](https://github.com/endless-sky/endless-sky-high-dpi/tree/master/images/thumbnail) 4. Open the [ship viewer](https://endless-sky-tools.github.io/Endless-Sky-Ship-Viewer/), upload the thumbnail and pick the swizzle colour you want to paint. 5. Paint with your preferred method. Generally some sort of acrylic ink works well with unprimed PLA.