MADE RITE 203 Shaving brush

MADE RITE 203 Shaving brush


This is a Made-Rite 203 shaving brush I recreated a while back. I find this design to be quite unique actually. Once I got my caliper going, I realized that this handle design was breaking all the rules of symmetry, and for good reason. On the original, the bottom section doesn't have a single true curve and none of the flat faces run in parallel or point to the center of the handle. Instead, the flat sections come to a point far away from the handle. The top section has two vertical seams and the hole for the knot is slightly bigger at the bottom. What all this means is that the handle went through an incredible amount of machining just to accommodate the molding process. It seems that the bottom section can only be ejected from the mold in a vertical direction, and the top section comes off the mold horizontally as a half. The two halves are then fused together to form the top half making it possible for the hole to taper to a larger diameter at the bottom. Long story short, I'll be using this little piece of plastic with a newfound respect for yesterday's artisans and machinist. I've uploaded a high res, high poly count STL. If you want to get the best results and every segment possible, I suggest you set a very small segment length-minimum on your slicer and disable auto-merge of nearby lines. Please post your makes. Enjoy






