Razor Crest The Mandalorian Kit Card

Razor Crest The Mandalorian Kit Card


If you have no opportunity to print the card you can buy it here: https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/951683337/razor-wappen-kit-karte?ga_order=date_desc&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=razor+crest&ref=sc_gallery-1-5&plkey=ed493ef546c666983da15391df88bbc155afcf95%3A951683337 #Summary: This is a Kit Card of the Razor Crest from the TV-Show "The Mandalorian) Easy to Print, just cut out the pieces and put it together. You can buy prints Here: http://www.quacken3d.com/ This is a licensed Shop. [Update 1.12.20: I uploaded a slightly modified file, added some noses so the parts click better together and should hold without glue if the Printer tolerances are a Little bit different. I´m not quite sure what this fuzz About this Kit Cards is all About, I don´t think thats the best way to use a 3D Printer, but as they seem to be very popular and there isn´t one of the Razor Crest which seems to be the hottest shit Disney made for decades I thought I make one for all to enjoy! If you want just a small Razor crest I recommend to print my model which I made for X-wing, thats very easy to print and super detailed for the small size: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4591446 Read the legal stuff, you are not allowed to print parts and sell them, but if you really want to do so please contact me by E-Mail or message and we will find an Agreement! Legal stuff: BY DOWNLOADING THE FILES FROM THINGIVERSE YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The files are for private use only! You are allowed to print parts from them for your personal use only! You are not allowed to use this files or parts you printed with the use of this files of it in any comercial way! If you are distributing Pictures from parts or models you build with theses files you are only allowed to to so if you are declaring the source of the design. You have to add a link to this thingiverse-thing in the description of your Fotos! You are not allowed to copy or distribute them in any way! You are not allowed to sell them or parts you printed from them or models you build with the use of this files!



