Custom start Gcode

Custom start Gcode


Custom priming/ start gcode for mpsm printers, prevents dirtying of nozzles when the old code sends the nozzle into the prime tower. Here is the code: G21;(metric values) G90;(absolute positioning) M82;(set extruder to absolute mode) M107;(start with the fan off) G28;(Home the printer) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G0 Z3 X128;(move extruder far right) G0 E20;(prime nozzle) G4 P1000; (wait 1 sec) G0 X60 Z0;(move left and zero bed) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G0 X-1 Z0;(Move outside the printable area) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G1 Y60 E8 F500;(Draw a priming/wiping line to the rear) G1 X-1;(Move a little closer to the print area) G1 Y10 E16 F500;(draw more priming/wiping) G1 E15 F250;(Small retract) G92 E0;(Zero the extruder) Copy/ paste instead of old gcode, enjoy and toggle as needed. here is another one that waits 2 seconds instead of 1 to home itself after the priming blob(sometimes makes it work better) G21;(metric values) G90;(absolute positioning) M82;(set extruder to absolute mode) M107;(start with the fan off) G28;(Home the printer) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G0 Z3 X128;(move extruder far right) G0 E20;(prime nozzle) G4 P2000;(wait 2 sec) G0 X60 Z0;(move left and zero bed) G0 X-1 Z0;(Move outside the printable area) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G1 Y60 E8 F500;(Draw a priming/wiping line to the rear) G1 X-1;(Move a little closer to the print area) G1 Y10 E16 F500;(draw more priming/wiping) G1 E15 F250;(Small retract) G92 E0;(Zero the extruder) Enjoy cleaner nozzles! Video demonstrating the code in action here: Modified gcode that homes and does a prime strip without the blob that dirties nozzles. G21;(metric values) G90;(absolute positioning) M82;(set extruder to absolute mode) M107;(start with the fan off) G28;(Home the printer) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G0 X-1 Z0;(Move outside the printable area) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G1 Y60 E8 F500;(Draw a priming/wiping line to the rear) G1 X-1;(Move a little closer to the print area) G1 Y10 E16 F500;(draw more priming/wiping) G1 E15 F250;(Small retract) G92 E0;(Zero the extruder) And here is one that does the strip only one way( never goes back through the strip) G21;(metric values) G90;(absolute positioning) M82;(set extruder to absolute mode) M107;(start with the fan off) G28;(Home the printer) G92 E0;(Reset the extruder to 0) G0 X-1 Z0;(Move outside the printable area) G1 Y60 E8 F500;(Draw a priming/wiping line to the rear) G0 Z3 G0 Y0 G0 Z0 G1 X-1;(Move a little closer to the print area) G1 E15 F250;(Small retract)







3D Printers