Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 Holder

Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 Holder


#**This holder is in progress, tolerances still need to be corrected !!** I use this monitor in my workshop to see the temperature and humidity, to see the humidity in my 3D filaments and it is not cool that it is on the desk without a support. This set of stl create a support for your xiaomi monitor and allow the visualization to be much easier and you do not have to take it in your hands to see the humidity. To print this holder you do not have to worry about the supports, nor to place raft and very little percentage of fill is required (tested with 5 and 8% of fill). You just have to worry about having your 3D printer well calibrated the bed and testing with low layer heights (tested with 0.15 and 0.20 layer height). #**11/11/2020 first version v1** The two holders are connected with connector.stl, in this way they join and allow a rotation. This work is still in progress. I need to improve tolerances and round edges. I will keep updating this holder. Even so, it is functional and you can try it, I ask you only to comment on how it works for you and thus be able to improve it with your feedback. Also add the step files so that you can modify them if you want easily. Compatible with Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 and does not require any adhesive to place the monitor. # **16/11/2020 revision two, some things have improved** I have adjusted the monitor support in a better way, now it fits better, it is easier to place it and it does not fall, it adjusts only by pressing gently. The holder is much taller now, and more vertical this facilitates the visualization of the data on the monitor screen. ** Version 1 and version 2 are equally compatible with the monitor attachment **. You can change between one version and another. All the files that have the v2 in the end are the new ones, and correspond to the photographs, in the same way I attach the step files so that you can modify and adapt it. #**I will continue improving for a next version 3 and final, for now prefer v2**






