KSD (keep social distance)

KSD (keep social distance)


Among the mandatory measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors strongly recommend maintaining "social distance". One of the reasons that people often ignore this recommendation is the lack of a tool that visually shows the required distance. I offer a simple and effective tool that will allow you and the people around you to see if they are crossing the border of the “social distance”. This tool, let's call it KSD (keep social distance), is designed to be 3D printed so that anyone can get it “here and now”. Its main part is a laser pointer. The principle of operation is based on the property of human vision to see a line instead of a luminous point, if this point is moving rapidly. KSD allows you to "draw" a circle of a given radius around you. Laser pointers with housing of 10mm or 13mm in diameter are the most common, and usually used as toys. No need for alteration. Can even be used with an uneven body. Spring made of elastic wire - for secure fixation of the laser holder. In the video, the detailed description of the assembly and configuration of the tool is shown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVwaKVW_t1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgZC1QjD8OQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vGulfovgWs Adjustment is required for two reasons: 1) all people have different heights, 2) the lasers used are simple toys, not precise optical instruments and may not shine accurately. A simplified version with only one laser holder is provided. In this case, the design is much simpler but the visualization is less precise. My chosen license ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KSD (keep social distance) by Sergey Piskunov is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at psv6207@gmail.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- does not imply uncontrolled commercial use, however, whoever contacts me, I will definitely give permission to make KSD for sale on almost symbolic terms. Instructions During operation, the KSD experiences some light loads, so I advise you to increase the number of wall lines (in the example 5 shown in the video, material is PLA+). When assembling, you need to be careful with the fork as it is a relatively fragile element. Make for yourself and everyone and use KSD. Viruses should not be given a chance! Cheers!






