GT2560 Rev A+ Case for 120mm fan - MK3S Extruder Cable Opening
Remix of the classic GT2560 case by lukie80 I made the following changes: - Its bigger! I wanted to use a 120mm as I had some spare from a PC project and they can be much quieter. Also this gives much more room for cable management. - I adopted the extruder cable clamp design from the Prusa MK3S as I wanted to use a fabric sleeve. This is a really nice addition and makes routing the extruder cables much easier. It also supports 3mm nylon filament same way as the Prusa design to keep the extruder cables from sagging. - No hexagons - I just find that the slatted vents print easier and I prefer this aesthetic - Slots in walls for cable management using cable ties or velcro ties allowing changes to wiring without a nightmare of rerouting.