Heated Decal Bath
#Heated Decal Bath ##Background Application of water-slide decals on scalemodels goes a little bit easier if the water is warm. This project is based on a FDM 3D printed frame and some electronics that controls PCB heatbed of approx 8 Ohm. An external 12VDC/2A power-plug is needed as well. The UI consist of a 0.96" OLED display with 128x64 pixels, using the SSD1306 controller, two LEDs and three buttons. ##Design and other resources The mechanical design is made from FDM 3D printed parts, preferably printed in PETG (but PLA should be OK also). The lightguide and display lens should be 3D printed with transparent resin using a SLA printer. Print them flat on the bed. They can also be scratchbuilt with 4mm acrylic rod and 3mm acrylic sheet (but that is a lot more work). The metal tray is from IKEA: https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/vinter-2020-5-pastry-cutters-with-tin-assorted-shapes-30474525/ I used the following fasteners: Frontpanel: M3x6 Front PCB: ST2.9x6.5 Control PCB: ST2.9x6.5 OLED display: ST2.2x6.5 Top cover: M3x8 Heatbed PCB: M3x12 The electronics design is made in KiCAD. The design database can be found in the file heated_decal_bath.zip. There are three sets of gerber-files, one for each PCB: gerber_front.zip, gerber_control.zip and gerber_heatbed.zip . These can be directly uploaded to JLCPCB (or similar PCB manufacturers), make sure you select 1.6mm thickness and 1 oz copper-weight. The microcontroller used is a Arduino Pro Mini 5V 16MHz version. Software can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/tkilla64/decal-bath I used the Atom editor with PlatformIO plugin to manage the source-code and it uses the following libraries: EEPROM OneWire DS18B20 U8x8lib PID_v1 _TODO-list:_ *