Replacement bleed valve for Nilfisk P20 vacuum cleaner hose
Replacement bleed valve for Nilfisk P20 vacuum cleaner hose. These have a tendency of falling off, and replacement parts are not available AFAIK. For good seal, it is important that the inside is as smooth as possible. For strength, this thing should be printed solid. This item is probably best printed on its side, with full support around the two tabs. Use a layer size of 0.1 to get the curvature right and to get a smooth inside surface. It can also be printed with the outside section facing down, with support. The main issue with that is that the outside will usually end up looking not too brilliant. This is only a cosmetical issue, though. To make the two tabs enter their slots, they may need to be "sharpened" slightly with an exacto or similar knife. Note that the part is slightly non-symmetric. The longer side should face the bleed holes. The valve may fit other types of vacuum cleaner hoses, especially with some fine tuning of the parameters.