Ender 3 X-Axis Cable Guide - For Direct Drive

Ender 3 X-Axis Cable Guide - For Direct Drive


This is an X-Axis mounted cable guide for the Ender-3/Ender-3 Pro. You can use the existing screws holding in the X-axis stepper motor to mount it directly. There are two ziptie spots, the ziptie anchor point on the back can be tightened to squeeze the cables into place, if one desires. This cable guide will keep your cables above your printer plane and keep them tucked in towards the printer if space is a concern. It works particularly well if you have an enclosure. Print with supports in order to print the concaved recess for countersunk screws, with 100% infill. [Here](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FWH17MD?ref=ppx_pt2_dt_b_prod_image&th=1) is the cable loom I use, it's pretty great! It's a split loom so you can access your wires easier, and it stays wrapped up very well.



