Fan support for eggs incubators A big thank you for those supporting my designs! In order to have a correct temperature distribution for "cheap" or bad design forced air incubators, or for the incubators without a fan (stall air type incubator); adding two extra - small fans (40, 50 or 60mm), positioned at the edge of the incubator; 09.00 and 15.00 as clock position; to blow in opposite directions than each other - so a cyclone can be created in to the incubator, it will eliminate all the "dead zones" and increase the incubator hatching percentage. The 5 degree from horizontal ,build it in, ensure an entrance angle, and that the cyclone become also a cycloid. If you are in Northern Hemisphere ensure the cyclone is going clockwise; Southern Hemisphere - anticlockwise! Supports for 40, 50 and 60mm fans are design. Also a set with grill protection, in case those fans are too close to the hatching floor, and your chicks are too jumpy! See attach link to the article where temperature without those two fans was mapped. Hopefully soon we are going to see the temperature measurement's ... after the installation of those fans! Due to ventilator size an position - this MOD is applicable only when incubate quail eggs! For chicken is required to remove eggs near ventilators. The sample use two 60X60mm 12v fans. All parts are check for naked edges or errors - therefore ... all are going to be printable! If the design is good or if the parts are going to fit... that's another story! Design to print without support ... mostly... except for the parts what need support :) By Costa