3D Printable Nerf CrossBow

3D Printable Nerf CrossBow


Hot tip, use q-tips to put the joints together. UPDATE 2: AutoNotcher now included! Print the arms.stl and autonotcher.stl, and glue them together for easy notching action. Also, I recommend gluing in the insert.stl for more reliable notching. I made this since my daughter had trouble grabbing the rubber band and pulling it back while holding the bow... it's kinda hard really. UPDATE: I've tweaked some of the sizes and tollerences after having issues with the front sight, back post, and the trigger being a little tight. Fixed geometry to make it easy to print. I intentionally made the parts thinner than is called out in the design so that they easily slot together for gluing. I also made the handle smaller to make it fit on my print bed and fit easier in my daughter's hand. 2 blend files included.



