3D printed Vibrator Can for 6V Vacuum Tube Radio project

3D printed Vibrator Can for 6V Vacuum Tube Radio project


3D printed Vibrator Can for 6V Vacuum Tube Radio project. I have a 1938 Montgomery Wards Airline 62-280 6V battery powered farm radio. The original vibrator was not working so I bought a kit to make a solid state version. This project is an enclosure thats modeled to look similar to the radios original vibrator can. In the model I did add little slots to possibly help vent heat, being the transistors would likely not like being fully enclosed. The slots are perhaps a bit too small to be of help. I generally wanted a can that that at last from a distance looked reasonably like the original. Being I ultimately cut open my original vibrator can open and got the unit working I never fully finished the solid state project. I thought someone else may find the solid state can enclosure useful if they still have to go the rout of replacing an original mechanical vibrator with a unit using modern electrons. I have a YouTube video going a bit into detail on the 3D printed can at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ong0PW2OY0 If your interested in how an original mechanical vibrator works, I did some interesting videos using a strobe to see how my original mechanical vibrator works. Check them out at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygiBaJqGWo8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeCukqJ1Gas






