Disinfectant shield for Humphrey Visual Field Analyzers (HFA, HFAII)
This is a custom shield design that replaces the paper version that Carl Zeiss recommends to disinfect their HFA units with isopropyl alcohol (see: https://bit.ly/3fgU1mQ). This design is much easier for technicians to place on the visual field unit and will not become over saturated with disinfectant. We have validated this unit to work with the HFA and HFA II. It is possible that this design works with the HFA 3 but we have not tested this at this point. You will need to print one of each part and then assemble the corresponding parts together before use. Supports are recommended for "Forehead Rest B" but not necessary if your printer handles overhangs well. For resiliency, we recommend printing this part in 40-50% infill with 4 perimeters. Disclaimer: We will not be liable for consequential, incidental, special, exemplary damages or otherwise arising out of use of this device.