Z Belt Idler Tension & Micro Adjust Z Limit Switch for Zyltech Gear V3 3D Printer

Z Belt Idler Tension & Micro Adjust Z Limit Switch for Zyltech Gear V3 3D Printer


These are 2 plastic parts to adjust the tension of the dual Z motor synchronizing belt & micro adjust the Z limit Switch on the Zyltech Gear V3 printer. These parts allow you to set the tension on the Dual Z belt & finetune the Z limit switch. My printer did not come with any adjustment for the Z belt, so I made a part for this. For the Z limit switch I wanted easier adjustment of this, so I took the idea from my Makerfarm i3v printer and designed a plastic part for finer adjustment. Both of these parts work quite well for me. For the Belt tension I used 2 F695ZZ bearings, an M5x25mm screw, 2 - 1mm spacers, a 3mm spacer & locknut. one 1mm spacer goes above bearings, one goes between them to give more belt path & 3mm spacer goes under other bearing & then the locknut. You could use other idler pulleys, but your hardware might differ. For the micro adjust part, I use a M5x10mm ultra low profile screw (Button head will probably also work) with regular T-nut (T-nuts are easier to use for me than the drop-in or hammer T-nuts If you use regular T-Nuts you will have to pull the Z-axis 2040's out to access the slots. For the screw that hits the limit switch, I used an M3x12mm & regular nut for the nut trap. You could also use a little longer M3 screw. I included STL files & the fusion 360 files if you want to modify these parts



