BuWizz pin, a Lego technic compatible 2.5L pin

BuWizz pin, a Lego technic compatible 2.5L pin


A 2.5L Lego technic compatible pin, used for centering the 4 stud wide BuWizz in a uneven width frame, of course in can be used in other situations as well. Info on BuWizz, the most powerfull bluetooth controlled RC brick for Lego motors: http://buwizz.com?ref=16 You can find a video on this later on my channel, for now ill just link my video that shows what power the buwizz can create, https://youtu.be/Zo7guq8vhbw The pin was a design cooperation with Maros Klein, a talented (Lego) designer, check out his channel through one of his videos here: https://youtu.be/fKD1QnXf0fU The print version of the pin is a bit altered from the original to compensate for the sagging of some edges, Print it with the 1.5L part under and the 1L part up.



