Ender 3 v2 riser feet with OEM rubber

Ender 3 v2 riser feet with OEM rubber


I quickly designed this riser feets, bc there where non on thingiverse which uses the original rubberfeet. Only ones, which go over the original feet, which i think is not optimal, as the printer becomes slippery on surfaces. This design is meant to be screwed to the aluminium extrusion using t nuts (2 per feet) and gluing the original feets under it. So you still get the advantage of having rubberfeets on the surface. For proper mounting, the m5 screws are sunk into the riser, just glue the original rubbers under it as soon as you tightened the screws. Easy design, but works great for me. Rises your printer for 20mm by default, but it´s designed to be stretched right in your slicer in one axis, in order to make it your desired height.



