Adaptor plate for SkyWatcher EvosStar 150ED and Lacerta 2" rack and pinion focuser

Adaptor plate for SkyWatcher EvosStar 150ED and Lacerta 2" rack and pinion focuser


Adaptor plate for SkyWatcher EvosStar 150ED and Lacerta 2" rack and pinion focuser. Design files in Fusion 360 format and .step are included for remixes. I designed this adaptor to connect my heavy duty Lacerta 2" rack and pinion focuser to my SkyWatcher EvoStar 150ED telescope. V9: Not safe for solar observation, because the sunlight can reach the plastic in some positions from the side. This version doesn't need supports. Orange on the pictures. V10: Sun-safe version with a 4mm thick Aluminium baffle. Supports are needed. Black on the pictures. A few notes: - Front and back connecting diameters are compensated for the inaccuracies of 3D Printing. This is a trial and error process, if you remix the design, I recommend to do test prints for the front and the back parts before printing the whole thing out. - Standard finder shoe is included. - Screws are M4 screws and holes for the 6pcs. M4 nuts are included. The holes are snug fit, they won't come out once in place. Use a screw to pull the nuts in the holes. Do it slowly to avoid cracking the material. If you hear a cracking sound, stop, back up a little, then continue tighten the screw slowly. - V10: The baffle is screwed in place with an M3*16 screw. The M3 nut has to be put in place during the printing. V10 .3mf includes a print pause for this. There is a 0,2mm solid infill over the nut to avoid possible printing problems, the screw will cut through this thin layer without any problem. - Paint the inside matte black. (V9), or paint the Aluminium baffle with heat resistant black paint. (V10) - I printed mine with 100% infill on the front end back and 30% cubic infill in the middle and 4 perimeters. It is very solid. - The Aluminium baffle was made from 4mm thick Aluminium plate with laser cutting. It costed me 4 EUR including postage. Print settings: 0,4mm nozzle, 0,2mm layer height, PETG.






