AM8 Mainboard case (Skr & Mosfets)

AM8 Mainboard case (Skr & Mosfets)


- This is a desing for a case that fits the Skr V1.3 with two mosfets and hold on aluminium extrusion or v-slot. I design it for my AM8 but i suppose that fits in almost every 3d printer with aluminium extrusions or v-slots. - There are a few diferents types of mosfets and dimensions, so mines are: 41.5mm width 52.5mm tall (This measures are between holes centers) - It also have a cover with a 80mm fan to keep everything as cold as posible. - I use manual supports for the biggest holes on the sides, but depending on your 3d printer it could be printed well without them. - I recomend you to take a look at how are you going to organize all the cables before you place everything in, for example, i decide to take the LCDs cables behind the mainboard, as a few more.



