Opel Corsa-B and Tigra-A rear Parcel Shelf Bearing Clip (GM 90388235, GM 90388236)

Opel Corsa-B and Tigra-A rear Parcel Shelf Bearing Clip (GM 90388235, GM 90388236)


This is a replacement for the rear Parcel Shelf Bearing Clip of an Opel Corsa-B and Tigra-A. As you can see in the photos the original part (on the left side) snapped off. So I redesigned that part to make it a bit stronger and also spare out the springy metal sheet as I lost it anyways. You will find both bearings as stl files in here. Full Disclaimer: I just printed the right side (passenger side) but as the original parts are just mirrored I don not see why the left side (driver side) would not fit as well. I could not find the original parts anywhere to buy. Just for the sake of completeness those are the original part numbers: corsa_parcel_shelf_bearing_left_GM90388235.stl: * **GM 90388235** * driver side corsa_parcel_shelf_bearing_right_GM90388236.stl: * **GM 90388236** * passenger side I can also provide the STEP and Fusion360 files if anybody wants to tinker with those. Make sure to print those parts with some strong and rigid material that is not too brittle and comes with a decent amount of flexibility. I guess any good quality ASA, ABS or PC will definitely do the job, PET-G might work as well. About PLA I am personally not sure. But you might just give it a shot and report back for other makers to profit from your experience :) I used Filamentum **ASA** Extrafill with * **0.2mm resolution** * **75% infill** * **1.2mm perimeters** * **1mm top/bottom shell**. The parts were printed **as they are oriented in the files (with supports)**. That way the actuation force of the shaft clicking into the bearing/clip is spread with the layer orientation and thus layer adhesion is nothing we need to consider too much with this print.






