Ender/CR10 Adpater for SliceEngineering Mosquito Hotend

Ender/CR10 Adpater for SliceEngineering Mosquito Hotend


New Version: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4761035 Update: 08.12.2020; The old version was not stable enough for me, so now the modification with more support surface around the assembly slide Adapter with ABL mount Printed in Extrudr GreenTec Pro, 0,1mm Update 25.11.2020: Version V2 with BLT adapter. Nozzel offset: x+26mm; y+2mm small change inboth design: you no longer need to put the ptfe tube through the adapter, just 1.5mm through the fitting Adapter for mounting the Slice Engineering Mosquito Hotend on the standard mounting point of the Ender and CR10 series. You need 2ea 2.5x6mm threaded screws and 2ea 3x6mm threaded screws 1ea Quick fitting through which the PTFE tube can be pushed. Ender 5 Plus Part cooler: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4687463 40x40mm Fanadapter: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4668149



