BMG Mount Remix for BLV Mod

BMG Mount Remix for BLV Mod


In my AM8 to BLV-AM8 upgrade I was looking to use a BMG clone that I had laying around for over a year. Most of the mounts I found were made to have the stock 30mm fan and/or had issues with the BLTouch hitting the part cooler. I took the original( and reworked the right fan mount to free up a few more mm of space so that this fan duct would fit in. ( I also filleted many of the edges to make it a little more aesthetically pleasing to me. Of course this is all for the awesome BLV mod. I used a spacer on the bltouch. My BLtouch offset is: Probe Offset X-30.00 Y-30.00 Z-3.30 Update 11.7.2021 I have uploaded a V2. I noticed on mine I was seeing flexing happening on the mount for the motor and BMG on retracts. I extended the base out a bit and added supports on both sides. PS I tried to properly list all the "remix" sources but thingiverse seems to be broken.



