Folding CAM blade stops

Folding CAM blade stops


In order to be successful in using a pushing folding CAM propeller it might be neccessary to ascertain that the folding blades are partially restricted in how much they can fold both forward and backwards in order to not tear into the wing. Or hook into each other and ruin the unfolding once propeller revs up. The folding CAM that came with my TBS Caipirinha 2 included indeed two such blade movement constraints - but they were too thin, weak and with sub optimal dimensions. And eventually the shit hit the fan, or rather - the blades hit the wing trailing edge upon Auto Launch motor start. What a mess... My blade stoppers come in two dimensions, width 36mm suited to be installed on the forward side of the blade holder - and 40mm for installation aft of the prop holder. They are both 2 mm thick and I recommend printing in a strong material, like ABS.







R/C Vehicles