Raspberry Pi 7" TouchScreen & Rpi 4B Enclosure mount

Raspberry Pi 7" TouchScreen & Rpi 4B Enclosure mount


This is a component part of a 3D Printer enclosure project: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4843545 Hi Makers! After months of discoveries in the happy world of 3D modelling and printing on Thingiverse, time has come for me to share my first thing. It is a three parts enclosure for the combination of a Raspberri Pi 7" Touchscreen with a Raspberry Pi 4 B model. The feet is designed to fit a 3030 extruded aluminum profile with two M5 low profile screws and drop-in T-nuts. The use is to provide functional and good looking touch interface to [Octoprint](https://octoprint.org/)([Octodash](https://github.com/UnchartedBull/OctoDash) will be used in my case) but any of the existing UI will fit it anyway. Fusion 360 design available on request. Prusa i3 MK3 model is from [Swesen](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3114931/files) Raspberri Pi 4B model from [Red Logo](https://gallery.autodesk.com/fusion360/projects/raspberry-pi-4-model-b)



