Double-Decker USB Flash Drive & Adapter Rack
Over the years, as USB connector types and memory size evolved, I've amassed quite a collection of USB adapters, flash drives and card readers. To store them in an easily accessible small footprint, I designed this simple USB device rack, with shorter items on the bottom and taller items on the (easily removable) top rack. Up to 40 various USB shapes and sizes can be stored in this 150mm x 50mm (~ 5.9" x 2") footprint stacking rack. Printable without supports on most printers. Source files are included, in case you want to modify anything for your own collection. ### Notes on Editing the FreeCAD Source Files This thing was created with FreeCAD, and the source .FCStd files are included with this listing. If you want to modify anything for your own use, there are a couple things you might find useful in this design. On the bottom rack, I blended the support legs to the body using fillets. I've found that FreeCAD seems to have an issue editing the file when fillets are used. Therefore, I always add fillets as the very last components, and **always delete fillets** before editing any sketches. Thus, I've provided the file "StackUSB_Bottom - NoFillets.FCStd" which is the same file for the bottom rack, before adding the fillets. I suggest you edit this file if you need to change the bottom rack. To modify the USB adapter/drive holes, you should only have to modify the "Hole Sketch" (in "Hole Pocket") of either the top or bottom file. Note that in these sketches, I duplicate several of the holes by "replicating" the rectangle or slot object (using Cut and Paste in FreeCAD). Thus, there is less clutter with dimensions, and you can modify **all** copies of a particular hole size by just modifying the dimensions of the "master" object. Note the small reference numbers with the "=" symbol on the duplicated objects, matching those numbers on the master object. Similarly, positioning is simplified by using vertical and horizontal constraints (vertical bar and horizontal bar) on one corner or point on many of the objects. Again, see the reference numbers by the bars on both the master and the duplicated objects - you can highlight (yellow text) all associated references by moving your mouse cursor over the small comma-separated numbers on a master object.