Sketchbook Templates - Thumbnails and Story Boards
These are templates for quickly drawing layouts for thumbnail sketches and storyboards in my sketchbook. I designed these to fit into my favorite notebooks: the Vanguard softcover notebook in Flagship size from Baron Fig. The page size is 5.4" x 7.7". For each layout, I designed two thicknesses: 2mm thickness is more rigid and easier to hold down with one hand while tracing. The thin version fits nicely between the pages when the book is closed, so the templates can live inside the notebook, but is flexible (printed in PLA) and more fiddly to trace. I originally made these out of 3mm acrylic with my laser cutter, so I've provided the DXF files for those as well, but I prefer the 3D printed versions with tapered sides. Update 5/7/21 - I've added new STLs for HD format 16:9 templates! Great for sketching YouTube thumbnails, or storyboarding videos. Enjoy!