LED Matrix - 16x16 WS2812B

LED Matrix - 16x16 WS2812B


I wanted to build an 8-bit style LED matrix like I have seen on YouTube where others used either laser cut parts or made their own grids with foam. I don't have a laser cutter and the foam was way too much work for me to do carefully. So I designed this matrix and the base system to line everything up perfectly. Works well and pretty much snaps together. the edges of the base fit perfectly in a slot cut by a standard table or circular saw blade. Match with same thickness glass, plexi, or acrylic that is frosted to diffuse glass. You could try and put vellum paper also as a diffuser. Check out my YouTube video for the full build process Oh yeah flip the base when you print it. This was my first CAD design in 20 years so I did it upside down kind of. What you will need: PLA (print 2 of each file) 256 WS2812B LEDs (60 LEDs per meter) Controller (I used Arduino Uno) Power supply (I used a standard USB battery bank) Enclosure (I made mine from Oak)



