Vinyl Flooring Edge Stop/Wedge

Vinyl Flooring Edge Stop/Wedge


Luxury vinyl flooring = great! Removing base board = no so great! I created this wedge to hold the planking the required distance from the wall for expansion without having to remove the baseboard and put in a spacer. Tape some gorilla tape on the bottom side of the first row of boards at the points you want to put the wedge. Then place the board under the baseboard at the require distance from the wall. Lift the tape and feed it through the wedge, push wedge against the baseboard and firmly press the tape in place. The wedge should hold the row of boards as you place tap the each new row. Once done pull the tape upwards from the wedge then rip the tape and wedge away at and angle. The stl differs a little from the photos in that I strengthened the bar that goes under the baseboard.






