DJI Air Unit Antenna Bracket
Retaining bracket for the DJI Air Unit. The MMCX antenna connectors come unplugged _super_ easily.. This holds them in perfectly. Design models each little contour so it just snaps in place perfectly. Leaves room for easy SD card access and power/txrx connector access. I printed this in HT-PLA+ (HT is high-temp) from Fusion Filaments because I'm smitten with it.. But your favorite PLA/PETG/ABS/Nylon should work fine. ### Post your make! [![post a make](]( Please post 'em! Really! Take a quick cameraphone photo of your print in all its glory and show it off! Plus it really helps get this design out there to the world. ### Want a variation / label / engraving? [Telegram me](! _Designing stuff_ is fun but interacting with cool people and hearing about their adventures _is better._ I can generate any variation / engraving easily, [send me a telegram]( and/or leave a comment and let's make your perfect version. I only ask that you post a make! If you'd like the CAD, or for me to export a STEP file or help with a variation, no problem. Message me.