4x5 WIDE Pinhole, supports graflock backs

4x5 WIDE Pinhole, supports graflock backs


I included step files so that it may be remixed easily. Please share it and let's evolve it. Made a pinhole cone for my 4x5 camera frame. Parts you need: M3 nuts, washers and bolts in varying lengths 2x M4 nuts and bolts for attaching grip 1/4" to 3/8" screw adapter for tripod mount I remixed the grip from Dora Goodman's ZONE camera, so that it is flush with the camera. I recommend putting the grip on the side with the film holder opening. This camera can be used with either graflock type backs, graflock rollfilm backs or 4x5 film holders. The back part is held on with bungiecords, like shown on my 75mm lens cone 4x5 camera. This is only used if you mostly use 4x5 film holders. Otherwise I think the screw mounts will be sufficient to hold 4x5 film holders as well. I use a 6x12 Shen Hao rollfilm back with this.







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