Heron's Fountain - physics project
Me and my friend did this fountain for a physics school project. It is a simple design yet very interesting - to build it we used 3 plastic containers, a pcv pipe, hot glue gun, drill and some sandpaper. _____________________________________ Here is a video we made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xFVqAFQH70 (It is in polish, but you can still see the process of building it) ______________________________________ We made an animation explaining how it works - I made the 3d model and my friend animated it - i share here the same exact model you can see in our video! The models you can download are full and cut in order for you to see how to glue the tubes. In order to build the fountain, you need to cut all tubes to desired lengths, then drill holes in the containers and finally glue everything so the 2 bottom containers are tight - it is important that you put the right amount of glue on everything. When you finish fill the middle container and then the top one. Only thing left is to watch and enjoy your homemade Heron's Fountain!