Luna, Nova & Schroedinger Figurine Garage-Kit 1/8 Scale

Luna, Nova & Schroedinger Figurine Garage-Kit 1/8 Scale


I designed this as part of an artist Grant I received where I developed my own characters - Luna & Nova, Schroedinger is the Scythe. If you want to know what this is about, visit the dedicated page here: This is my first GarageKit and own Character Design in zBrush ever. This print is by no means perfect but I printed it with the Anycubic Photon Mono and it fit rather well although there was a lot of post work necessary. I also collect GK's and it is not too far off from professional standards, but some parts need Milliput to be stabilized, like the wings or more glue like the wings of the scythe. Also the shoes are not perfect, in the 3D-design I had better versions of it, but they did not print well so I changed them so that they can be printed with the legs in one piece.The provided files are exactly how I printed them.






