Ender 3/Pro/V2 Dual Z with Z Brace Frame Support
I remixed ProperPrinting's original design to adapt it to a Dual-Z kit I already bought. Kudos to him for this fantastic improvement to the Ender-3. Purpose: To straighten the Vertical Aluminum Extrusion rails to be perpendicular to the bed and to reduce vibrations produced by multi-axes movements (simultaneous x, y, z movement) You'll be amazed at how smooth your printer operates if you decide to take the plunge on doing any Z-brace modification. Look to the [original design video](https://youtu.be/nBVrcIZ095Y) for the Z-Brace Rod installation procedure, as well as how to tighten the threaded rod to straighten the frame. This is likely one of the top upgrades you could do to your Ender-3. You can either buy a kit available online [like this one](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001217186312.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.23d76539fVm18d&algo_pvid=a59b1ae5-58a1-414e-9557-08ee1cc79e80&algo_expid=a59b1ae5-58a1-414e-9557-08ee1cc79e80-22&btsid=0bb0622a16058145042843467ef2bb&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) Or purchase the parts separately yourself, but it's probably cheaper to buy the kit. I didn't model up the belt tensioning device since I had one already, and if you're here this is an easier way to go about doing this modification instead of sourcing and buying a random variety of parts, of which many can only be bought in bulk quantities. This modification will work with a single stepper belt tensioning setup or with two steppers. (Single Stepper belt style is superior by design) This will also reduce your Z-height to about 220mm, 235mm if you use linear rails. Hardware: + (4) M4 Screws (8mm length) + (4) Socket Head Cap M4 Screws (10mm-12mm length, must be *socket head cap* to fit, button head screws have wider heads and won't fit) + (8) M4 T-Nuts + (6) M5 Screws (8mm length) + (6) M5 T-Nuts + (14) M4/M5 Washers + (2) M2 screws or M2 Cone Screws to retain bearings Z-Brace Threaded Rod Hardware: + [Threaded M10 Rod](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G3QFW80/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) (You'll need to chop this boy in half) + (6 *or* 8) M10 Nuts + Optional (2) Acorn M10 Nuts for a polished look + (8) M10 Washers If you find this design to have been useful for you, if you are able to, please consider throwing me a tip, any and all are appreciated. The tip designer button will get you to my paypal.me. Thank you for checking out my remix! I'd love to see any other makes out there, so, please do so if you can :) I have a few other designs up, one is particularly involved if you want to convert your printer over to linear rails, like I have done, and as you can see in the pictures! Just check my profile out.