Kaabo Mantis Stem Light Mount + Bag Hook
I designed this Universal Lights stem mount for my Kaabo Mantis to feature an optional bag holder in the back. The lights I used are cheap 12v Motorcycle lights from aliexpress. I cut the bar that connects the 2 lights from 1mm aluminium sheet and drilled the mounting holes in it. This way it's very thin and stable (also lightweight). In order to have strength to the hook (as I'll be adding some weight to it) I printed it separately on its side so it is strong. As I used ABS, I used diy ABS glue (acetone + abs, info available on google) to glue it to the mount making sure the contact area between the parts is 100% (no gaps). I also included a model with the mount and hook together but that will probably need supports on the hook side. If your filament layer adhesion is strong you can probably get away with printing it all in one piece. Uses M6 bolts with 10mm head (10mm round head for the bolt that fixes the mount to the stem, hex bolt for the one that fixes the headlight to the mount).