SPDVL3 - 3" Super light and Durable Freestyle Frame

SPDVL3 - 3" Super light and Durable Freestyle Frame


- Overview + Test with GoPro + DVR https://youtu.be/OH0fPt_B_Ig - Build info : https://rotorbuilds.com/build/26113 - Updated, lot of photos + Added fin (On some photos still the alternative antenna protector mod - 1.75mm fillament) - Fin : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4742041 - 3. version of very durable, sturdy and light 3D Printable frame - much improved version of my older TTGT frame - My 3D printable frame from early 2019 - 20x20mm stack version + NEW 16x16mm stack + whoop AIO board version ! - 136.6mm motor post to motor post (almost same size as old 2.5" true X version) - 9.2mm thick vertical triangle arms design - Body shape inspired by light freestyle frame frame Astro X5 Tweak and customize it here ! https://www.tinkercad.com/things/6eFx1EFfwB0-copy-of-spdlv3-arm/edit?sharecode=ZqXEdY66v5qCS_hLHdVTFcnkMT_7K8-X6dPj_3Gqb70 - To make the frame usable (light enough and durable) print frame in Nylon (PA) or some other shock resistant material - I printed top and bottom part out of nylon (PA) - 3 walls - 4 top and bottom layers - 40% infill 0.15mm layer - Standoffs and camera holder out of PETG - 100%infill 0.15mm layer (On the photos I am still running old parts from V2) - Supports 14x14mm (Nano) or 19x19mm (Micro) or most of micro (AIO whoop) sized cameras - different mount style files - Only M2 hardware required - standoffs, camera side plates, stack, motors - 20x20mm stack / 16x16mm stack / AIO whoop board 25.5x25.5mm - 110x - 140x (4x m2 hole pattern) motors - 3" propellers







3D Printing