Holiday Cookie Cutter
Two base models for making your own Naughty/Nist List holiday themed cookies. Can either print the base cookie cutters as is, and in frosting write the names of your loved ones.... or customize the model with your desired names so they also get imprinted into the cookie. Thought I'd upload the base currently, working out my customizations today, should have some updated examples of what that might look like. Will update the model with example customization/bullet points. Will upload pictures after printing, cutting, and baking. If you want to just go for it and customize your own: to match the font, I used [ink free]( and I think I'll be testing these cutters out this week with some [Rolled Sugar Cookie dough]( Cookie Cutter scale might be kind of large, I'll let you be the judge. *** Images of the models have been flipped to give a general idea of what the cookie cutter is going to cut out and imprint. *** *Update: Tested out the cutters with the recipe linked above. One thing to note is this is not a traditional rolled sugar cookie recipe and it calls for coconut oil and a small amount of baking powder, so the cookies tended to puff up a little bit. BUT if you want to retain the shape of the cut, **chill the dough before you throw it in the oven**, and it comes out like the pictures above. Otherwise you will get a much more puffy cookie. **Update V2** - Increased the text size of "Nice List" and "Naughty List" in an effort to make sure the printer can capture the negative holes in the "a" "e" and "g". Will test print soon, with updated pictures.