Kossel Z Axis Stabilizer & Bed Mount

Kossel Z Axis Stabilizer & Bed Mount


I created a Z axis stabilizer that includes a bed mount, leveling becomes much easier when the level point is at the base of each Z rod. This is sorta but not really a remix of my old design. It takes a couple of 3mm threaded screws / nuts and works best with the yellow springs. I haven't had to level my bed in over 9 months since I made these parts. I printed the mounts in PETG for structural integrity. I still have a few upgrades to do and the photos are an older design with only 2 mount points, the .STL files I uploaded have 4 mount points per side. I designed these for a printer I built 4-5 years from this time of posting to try and get the quality to match that of my newer printers and so far I am extremely happy with the design. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions. I plan on making a few more modifications when I find the time, but I hope someone else finds this as useful as I did. my print bed is 220mm round, but it should work for any size of kossel that uses 2020 extrusions.



