iPhone 11 hard case

iPhone 11 hard case


iPhone 11 hard case works for the base model iPhone 11 (Will not work with iPhone 11 pro/max) Designed in order to be printed from rigid plastics (PLA, ABS, etc) Printed in two separate parts to be assembled together on the phone. Printer with at least 0.2mm clearance accuracy recommended. Use these dimension modifiers to get the best fit: x: 100.5% (width of the phone) y: 100.3% (length of the phone) z: 101% (depth of the phone) (reference render images for axis directions) Ideal to print with supports touching buildplate, set to support 50° overhangs Along with 2mm brim if small curling is an issue. Curling mainly happens at the tabs where the two halves join, best if they are as accurate as possible. After print, clean edges around the tab areas and remove supports/brim, test fitting before assembling on phone. Sand/shave off any areas to get a snug fit of the tabs. It will be tight for the first few days, but once worn in it does loosen up a bit. Recommended procedure for assembly/disassembly To assemble: clip on top portion, then slide bottom portion on, interlock the tabs To disassemble: use a credit card or anything that wont scratch the phone to pry the tabs up, and slide the bottom portion off, then unclip the two bottom parts on the top section, then slide off.







Mobile Phone