sure.t mag- nerf half dart/talon magazine
#### Talon/half-length nerf magazine designed to be vertically printed in record time. Faster to print, more modular design, more compatibility, more customizability! Print this with **1 wall** with a good PLA+ filament and it'll be a strong, fast, and light single-part performer. #### Works perfectly with the FDL-3 shorty nose. I've included dual mag-release cutouts for maximum compatibility. ## Hardware Designed for a constant-force spring. Either: - [My recommendation from McMaster Carr]( * 0.2lb is _more than enough_ force and won't squish your darts as much– more accuracy. - [Official 'nerf drum sprints' from foamblast]( * beware they have closer to 0.8lb (or more!) of force and may have issues with semi-auto arm retraction but * will probably enable higher rates-of-fire in full-auto blasters at the expense of more squished&inaccurate darts). ## Printing [![printing gif](]( I print mine at 0.28mm layer height, **1-wall**, 70mmps, and 10% infill. With these settings I can print a full 18-mag in in **3h 45m**. Print on a glass bed (with brim for better _stiction_) and you can fully automate printing these and one printer can churn out **~6/day!** ## Assembly Hook the spring into the top of the mag, pushing the free end into the second slot. Use a ruler to push the spring to the bottom, hooking it over the edge. Put the spring coil inside the pusher you've printed but then **be very careful releasing it** back to the top. The speed it picks up will break the top end clips, so put your finger (or hold a dart) at the top to stop it. If you do break the arms at the top they're very easily and effectively superglued back. It's the weakest part but still _plenty_ strong .. for everything but a 50mph plastic pusher smacking it. ## Customization I designed this in my cad program of choice: onshape, which means anyone can fork&edit the design. I even added configuration variables for the left & right engraving and dart capacity.. so no cad skillz are needed to generate a custom version. To download an STL or STEP you probably need a [free account]( ### [Here's the design link]( **Go fourth and rain foam hellfire!** ### Post your make! [![post a make](]( Please post 'em! Really! Take a quick cameraphone photo of your print in all its glory and show it off! Plus it really helps get this design out there to the world. ### Want a variation / label / engraving? [Telegram me](! _Designing stuff_ is fun but interacting with cool people and hearing about their adventures _is better._ I can generate any variation / engraving easily, [send me a telegram]( and/or leave a comment and let's make your perfect version. I only ask that you post a make! If you'd like me to export a STEP file or help with a variation, no problem. Message me.