Kobo Touch BlueFly case

Kobo Touch BlueFly case


A case for using the Kobo Touch e-reader with a BlueFly vario as flight instrument. The vario used for modeling was a BlueFly TTL v12 but I tried also a v8 version and it fits perfectly. You will need two M4 screws to hold the lid, better if you find some rounded head ones. Attach the vario board to the bottom of the case with a little piece of two-sided adhesive tape and don't forget to stick some neoprene on the bottom of the lid to protect from light the barometric sensor. Remove the back cover of the Kobo and fit it under the ledge on the straight side of the case, then hold it down with the other ledge on the lid. You can use some thin neoprene or mousse stripes (the one for window insulating is ok here, but not for the vario) to hold it better in place and avoid vibrations (see picture). Optionally there is room for an extra battery under the Kobo, secure it to the bottom with double-sided tape. The two holes on the side are to be used for a lanyard, tie the knot inside the case for best results. Links: [Kobo Touch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobo_Touch) [BlueFly TTL v12](http://blueflyvario.blogspot.com/2018/07/blueflyvariottlgpsv12-released.html) 23/03/2021: updated models, added more thickness to the lid to make room for deeper screw bores



