H0 Chain Link Fence
2 models for simple fences. I used tulle for the chain links, its the stuff used for wedding gear for the bride. The finer the better. Fence High is a 0.4 nozzle friendly version that glues the fence on one side. Fence Low is a lower height version that is more detailed, the cross beams are only 0.3 mm tall so you need to print on 0.1 or lower. Print 2 pieces, put one on waxed baking powder smear with ca and put a straight piece of tulle on it. I strech it and weight down on 2 ends and then put the second half on top, cover with paper and weight down. Care so the tulle does not wrap on itself when covering. Wax paper will not absorb CA glue, it will dry out in specks so care that excess is not under the fence you are gluing or specks of glue will stay on the net. In case of connecting the lower fence you will need to cut out one of the end posts after gluing in the net, use a sharp knife ;)