Mini VR Gunstock for Oculus Quest 2 based on Sanlaki design

Mini VR Gunstock for Oculus Quest 2 based on Sanlaki design


Remix of Sanlaki's excellent Magnetic VR Rifle stock. I wanted a more compact version I could assemble using the parts from the Sanlaki stock for Population: One. The full stock is great for Onward and Pavlov, where you rarely put your weapon down. Here's the original: (for some reason, I can't link it in the Remix section) Population: One on the other hand requires you do climb using both hands and stick your arms out to fly. Having the relatively large rifle stock can be a bit cumbersome. I would typically disengage the controllers, and let the stock hang from its sling, then try to re-attach when I need it. This takes precious time. So I designed a compact version you can still climb and "fly" with, without too much of an issue. This will require the same magnet and screws as the main rifle stock. I recommend making that complete kit, and printing "Mini Rifle Stock" to supplement it. The other 2 files, are from the Sanliki set, but with the left adapter separated from the "Right Dominant" set. You won't need to print those, if you do the rest of the original set. I believe Sanliki made a compact design too, but it uses longer pipes than the 6" ones from the original. I didn't want to order new pipes, so I just used the extra 6" set from the original set. If you're left dominant, then mirror the files. As with the original Sanliki set, you'll need screws, magnets and these 6" iron pipes (these are skinnier than the ones from Lowes or Home Depot, which won't fit). Edit: I made a v2 of the adapter, where you're less likely to bump your headset into the thing when using ironsights or a scope.



