The Original Shower Head
Welcome to The Shower Head The Shower Head has been designed to be the tinkerers perfect Head with The Standard World BSP Pipe Thread fitting and ability to interchange Style Adaptors you too can have a custom stream of water right in your very home.... you might want an adaptor for a developing film reservoir, or filling a fish tank the list is endless when you can build your own style adaptor with included blank plate STL. In all seriousness i needed a shower head and found it impossible to find one, mostly because the tags hadn't been filed in and the basic ones i did find didn't allow for removing of the front mesh for cleaning (we have super hard water) so I designed one. please if you make any Style adaptors, ill add them to the list. Features - A modern Twist to a Classis Design - Standard BSP Thread Fitting - Interchangeable Front Mesh Adaptors Print Setting - Abs Preferred (i used PLA hasn't distorted YET! ) - Print Above 30% infill ( keep it strong for shower knocks ) - Print Main Handle With support on build plate (does not need all the way through) - Highest resolution that you can possibly bare. (leaks if you don't) - Print Style Mesh at your normal setting