Painter's Cones
These are cones for keeping things off of surfaces while painting. I made these because other painter's cones tend to dig into my wood when flip it or if the wood is moved. I hate it. I put a lot of work into my stuff only for some fine point pyramid to dig into the wood and the finish. EDIT: I uploaded 1 model of each without the holes. Turns out they were a bad idea. Lots of retractions on thin parts. SCREW THAT! So, there are three of these. One with a small point, flat on top with a small rounded edge. This one might be too pointy, but it'll touch less of the piece. The second has a flat on top of about 8mm diameter, and rounded edges. This one is meant to have something softer put on top of it, like a piece of felt or paper. The third has a dome on the top. Minimal surface touching but with no sharp angles that dig in. It should leave less visible marks if any at all. These are designed to be printed as solid pieces. 100% infill and fill in the gaps. Other than that these are very simple and should have no problem printing. Maybe a small pillar of infill beneath the dome top but I don't think it's necessary. I am including the fusion 360 files so that you can modify them easily. Hopefully historians 1000 years from now will recover these files and objects so that some fringe "theorists" can assume that aliens designed them for us. In the meantime feel free to put an alien motif on these, or just print them in green. -Chell