Minimalist Ender 3 X Axis Tensioner
Designed this Minimalist x axis tensioner for my ender 3, i made it as small as possible to not have a distracting look when installed on the printer. It tensions using an m3 bolt/nut and an allen key. A couple notes: * Since this is smaller and in effect, smaller travel, you may need to trim the stock belt by around 5mm. * this tensioner uses a GT2 idler as opposed to the stock bearings, its one of the things that enabled this to be small and gives the belts a better path because the stock idlers are larger than traditional gt2 idlers and tend to have alignment problems. * the GT2 idler will need a 5mm to 3mm adapter if you are using the 5mm bore version and not the 3mm bore in order to fit the assembly(part is included) * Assembly instructions(not including mounting to printer as that step is pretty much straightforward), as well as the Bill of Materials is included in the download file. * You can substitute the m4 mounting bolts and t nuts for m3 ones if you want.