Enclosure for the TEC-06 Battery Analyser

Enclosure for the TEC-06 Battery Analyser


This is an enclosure for the TEC-06 battery capacity tester. The project includes 3 printed pieces - the fan cover, the top and the bottom. It was a bit of a challenge to design something that worked because of the somewhat awkwardly designed PCB. The bottom has a spot for a FT232RL USB to TTL adapter should you wish to add the serial interface capability and the stock USB power port is also still accessible. I decided to add binding posts to make connecting it easier. The binding post holes were left undersized so that you can open them up to whatever works for the type of posts that you are using. You will also notice that the order of the binding posts does not follow the order of the screw terminals on the board. This was intentionally done as it made more sense to follow a pattern rather than just match what was on the PCB. Also make note that the heat sink bolts have been reversed such that the heads are on top and the nuts on the bottom of the PCB. That had to be done otherwise the bolt ends would have stuck out of the top. The PCB is held in place with the four M2.5 screws that come with the device. The bottom is a friction fit to the top and no fasteners are required. The fan cover should be glued in place making sure to position it all the way down and to the left. The covers inner lip will aid in doing this. Assembling the PCB into the top is a bit snug because of the tight tolerance between the fan and the fan cover but once it is in place there is a bit of wiggle room. The FT232RL is held in place with a friction fit but a couple of drops of cyanoacrylate will help to keep it there. Also included a PDF of the label.






