DIY table electric height adjust IoT smart home z-wave

DIY table electric height adjust IoT smart home z-wave


This is my Ryobi powered smart home DIY table. Want to eat in the living room? Most of the available furniture is way too low for being convenient. Afterwards a tall table may block the view, so lower it back down. A first world problem solved :) Featured in Items required: 1pc table top a big plate of your choice 4pc legs lumber 42x48x2400 mm depending on your build they have to be cut to size I figured mine out by trying on a scale model use lego technic, matador or in my case: cardboard an nails to find your size and pivot point 2pc end stops chair bracket 25 x 25 x 14,5 mm 2pc slides MGN15C + 200mm linear rail slide 1pc drive linear actuator 150mm 1pc logic qubino flush shutter dc 1pc power dc step down converter to 12V 2pc buttons momentary switches NO 1m pipe stainless stell, outer diameter 12mm 1m threaded rod M8, needs to fit inside the pipe 6pc nuts M8, holds everything together tons of screws use hat you have at least a pile of small 3x16 Also I used this design to snap in the battery, didn’t include it. Just sliced it with my electric compartment lid and printed in one piece. So no remix!






